Creator: Deadline Games A/S
Platform: PC, PS3, PS4, XBox 360, XBox ONE
Type: sandbox
Total Overdose 2: Tequilla Gunrise is the cancelled sequel for Total Overdose: a GunslingerĀ“s Tale in Mexico, but Deadline Games closed the doors in 2009, more 2 games were cancelled, these were Killing Pablo Escobar, based on the real colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, Faith and a .45, announced in 2008, it follows the story of Luke and Ruby during the Great Depression, and Shadow Hunter a pitch project.
Reviews of this game
Nickname: glados-mdgmail-com
Member since: 2015-03-16 19:18:12
Games by this author:
Game submitted: 2015-03-16 19:31:31